late night bus ride

Late night bus ride…

That’s basically what was going on for me in the dark and cozy atmosphere of the bus, when I started feeling something like fingers furtively searching in one of my pockets. The girl next to me (she looked older than me), a total stranger, obviously thought that I was deeply sleeping, so she was low-key doing her thing…

My first encounter with the divine (Part 2)

My first encounter with the divine (Part 2)

[Free Resource/ Gift included]—> I was not good. Smh… At all. It was also clear to me that these evil things were bright open doors flashing the demons to access me. I was afraid and very sorry when I realized how I had put my soul in such a vulnerable position. I was suddenly conscious of all that. So I was confessing them as they kept coming one after the other. I needed God’s forgiveness and rescue; otherwise, it would be just a matter of time, I kind of knew that. So there I was, confessing and calling on Jesus, in my heart, to save me, when suddenly, OUT OF NOWHERE…

My first encounter with the divine (Part 1)

My first encounter with the divine (Part 1)

Growing up, I heard that story about God & humanity over and over. But I was in no rush to decide whether to believe it or not. The story and I simply coexisted alongside each other. The idea of an existing God was not particularly bothering me. That could always be as possible as the fact that I actually had no particular reason to mind it. As for me, I was just being told stuff. I did not know for sure. However, I could always see that this God was very real to my parents. I respected that. Somehow, I even felt protected by their faith and prayers. But it never seemed to require for me to have a faith on my own. Until that evening…

What if we were like him somehow?

What if we were like him somehow?

“It” doesn’t seem to suit my little guy, sorry! I tried, but I guess all the acrobatic moves to catch him and the intense moment that bird and I went through remained significant to me enough. Not that I’m taking part in the pronoun war going on though. Just saying…!
But it is a true story. The pictures were taken by a friend who doesn’t feel comfortable around animals; but since she witnessed it all, she wanted to keep some memories. And I’m glad she did. So, if you ever see a flying bird missing a tail, that could be our little guy! And in case it’s not, at least you’ll be reminded of him…

It took a fabulous “64 years young” lady…

It took a fabulous “64 years young” lady…

Have you ever taken the time to sit with yourself, assess the current aspects of your life and define new visions for each of them to improve them? By aspects, I mean physical, emotional, social, spiritual, educational, financial, etc. I’ve been adding some more specific ones lately like: preferred mindset, wishes (desires/ dreams), skill sets, weaknesses (where to improve), hurting areas, strengths, things I’d like to do, to have, to learn, places I’d like to go, etc. and here is why: