It took a fabulous “64 years young” lady…
I went to a cocktail party some while ago, it was related to a real estate event opening. There, I met a lady. She was glowing, so feminine and fit, stylish, beautiful, and confident. I bet everyone in that room noticed her type of vibe! I also knew that I wanted to speak to her, maybe she could share some precious thoughts with me.
With a friend who knew her a little, we went and introduced ourselves, and kind of had a conversation with her. She was happy to talk to us, and when she told us she was 64, honestly, I was shocked. She appeared to me as if she had more than another 60 years before her!
Gosh, I was impressed and inspired! I promised a lot to myself that day.
I had a teacher at the university who was the first person to impact me in that way. Back then, he just had 50. His way of seeing his new decade was insightful as he was sharing his perspective with the classroom. He did look good and confident; he still does though, but he’s also now a friend on IG so let’s not make this unnecessarily weird lol… If he is reading this: “Profe, thank you🙏”! I left the classroom that day with a renewed mind (and a clear hairstyle in my head for when I’ll hit my 50s😉, God willing).
Do you also have pictures or ideas of what you want to look like in your 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, etc.? The kind of person you would
like to be, the mindset or attitude you would like to display at those ages? It’s fun though! …Or am I rushing😅?
I believe it’s always a good idea to plan. God remains the boss of what we can’t control anyway. So, there’s nothing to lose in planning for things that we actually can positively impact concerning us. We can plan to enjoy a better quality of life, of self. It helps us adopt healthier habits toward our goals.
The fact is that when you start taking actions to maximize your life, your affinity for situations that breed drama, negativity, envy, controlling or disrespectful behaviors, and so on, will drastically fall to zero. Consequently, some bonds may grow closer, some bonds will fade away. Some new bonds will naturally come around, aligned with your journey. Some might come as well that do not align, but I’ll trust you to discern and strengthen your boundaries (we eventually learn). Your time will become your most precious asset; so, the way you spend it, the people you spend it with, will matter to you.
It takes discipline though...
Of course! This lady’s glow and vitality have to be the result of some decisive work! Nobody is just “born this way”.
She also had to discipline the way she thinks to reflect that much positivity. She had to work out to keep her body toned; she certainly had to demonstrate resilience and train herself to become that gracious and impressive 64 young flourishing lady.
To be honest, I wish I had understood this earlier. I wish I had started working on myself right away in my teenage, instead of being distracted by boys’ attention, platonic friendships, having a boyfriend, etc. Well, all the girls in my community were, we didn’t know any better. However, I don’t regret anything. The past is always the place from where the present can learn for the future. But I wish some youngins read this and take the heads-up!
Even when we all may have different purposes on Earth, I strongly believe that the basic and common one we all share is to do the most with anything given to us: our body, our mind, our different resources, our life itself.
I adopted this belief after a better understanding of one of the stories that Jesus-Christ told (look it up this way if you don’t mind: “parable of the talents”). This made me believe that we’ll be held accountable for our time, for the way we choose to see things (our mindset), for our other resources, and for whatever we’ve been given and have. We can improve and even multiply some of them. In fact, we’re all responsible (response-able) for ourselves, and those who take that job seriously seem to have a particular shiny glow that keeps inviting life!
Proceeding to assess my life’s aspects, I don’t go too much in my head. Mostly I seek in my heart. I start simply with what’s already there inside, the desires for these aspects, and I write them down. Then I pray over them, in other words, I have a heart-to-heart talk about them with God, 100% believing that He listens and will give me what’s best for me as the loving Source of all that He is. (Okay, I can’t afford not to invite God in all my businesses. I can’t allow myself to miss THIS MUCH out!). After that, I may define some action plans, whether it is to wake up or to sleep earlier, to enroll in a specific program, to read such and such books, to go to such events, etc. Going on, I also identify the opportunities to which I must say yes, as well as those that I have to say no to, or probably pass on to other people who might need them more than myself…
In sum, it’s quite an interesting journey to collaborate with God in the making of “ourselves”, isn’t it?
Better us, better vibe, better health, better life!
Let’s always cheer for that🥂!
Good article Abi. I am in my 60s and I am trying my best to be holistically healthy
Wooow, amazing! Definitely keep that mindset up, thanks for sharing🌹!